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Entomological consulting

Consulting to Public Administration and private Companies on pest control.



We perform test of PMC and Biocides on insecticides, tropical and ambient repellents, coils, mats, candles, traps and much more.


Information campaings

It is very important for us to study and realize information campaigns to inform the citizenship trough the production of specific materials.


When work meets passion...

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For many products, conducting tests which can reproduce the conditions of their normal employment, is very difficult especially when such tests must be performed in a laboratory.


Field tests are our main point in the activity of experimentation.
Our long-dated activity in the sector of pest control, allows us to find infested spots where to perform field test of insecticides as well as repellents.


In our laboratories we breed many insects, we have 4 different species of cockroaches, 3 species of mosquitoes, 2 kinds of mites and many foodstuff insects; we also breed flies, moths, silverfishes etc.


Over the years we have created a functional network in order to permit field tests even when in Italy it’s not possible (in case of lack of species or climatic causes for example).


Sometimes our beloved homes can become a real nightmare scenario as we get bit every day by invisible, annoying organisms.



Our laboratory supports the release of scientific information as a tool for civic, cultural and entrepreneurial development.

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